Pre-pregnancy plans what to ask your medical professions
A pre-pregnancy plan is a plan to let you know what will happen when you fall pregnant next time, what your medical team will do to help you avoid if at all possible a loss.
This will be dependent on your medical team and advice given to you at the time of your waters going, weather you had a success story or sadly lost your baby.
Cervical stitch pre- pregnancy plan as follows;-
* To eat healthy, fruit and veg
* To not to drink alcohol
* To take a higher dose of folic acid prescribe by my consutlant
* I went to pilates exercise class as I wanted to tighten all my core muscles
* To be under consultant care
* To have a stitch place in at 12 / 14 weeks no later than 16weeks
* To have a course of 2 types of antibiotics after the stitch was place
* To have monthly meetings with my consultant
* To have monthly swabs to check for infection and checking for group b strep
* To have all my urine samples sent to the lab rather than just dipped - I was checked at every appointment
* To be treated for group b strep if you have it
* Stitch to be taken out at around 36 weeks dependent on your pregnancy.
TAC pre- pregnancy plan as follows;-
Cervical scans pre- pregnancy plan as follows;-
Other pre- pregnancy plans as follows;-