Reasons behind PPROM and why your waters break too early, some women sadly do not get a explanation, hence why we have a mission to invest in research and to raise awareness to info parents why
The following are some of the reasons behind why you may of pprom, you may fall in to 2 or more reasons, and there are others reasons which are not stated here, we are hoping that we can find out more and bring you the reasons why.

Group B Strep
Group B strep is a normal bacterial we all carry, for some it can effect our pregnancies, currently group b strep can be a cause for pprom along with other reasons.
For more info on Group B Strep visit the charity webpage

Weak Cervix
Weak cervix, when you have a cervix which is effacing and dilating prematurely before your baby is 37 weeks. This may happen in the first ,second or start of the third trimester, and if the cervix is softer and weaker than normal or is abnormally short to begin with, as the weight of your growing baby puts pressure on your cervix which can cause pprom
Sometimes the cervix can go from long to short, and short to long, more research is required for all facts.

Water Infections
Water Infections of the uterus, cervix, or vaginacan cause the membranes to break, the following are the most come water infections:
BV: Bacterial vaginosis (BV)
Group B strep (Group B Streptococcus)
Yeast infections

Other reasons, or the unknow
Too much stretching of the amniotic sac (this may happen if there is too much fluid, or more than one baby putting pressure on the membranes)
Sometimes no cause is found a other good reason for research into pprom, and why we need to invest in this area.