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Your loss journey
The journey of loss, advice from others and stories, help and advice for arranging a funeral, dealing with the loss of your baby and life after pprom, the effects of experiencing a loss of a baby and how to live with your loss.

Advice from others & stories
Advice from others who have been in your shoes, remembering there special little babies, born to soon. 2nd born, this advice will give you some ideas and give you some support.
Means and ways of dealing with loss, remember everyone is different, there is no right or wrong way, info to help you on your journey.
Advice on funeral arrangement, no one ever expects to bury there child, especially our babies, regardless if this is your first born, 2nd born, this advice will give you some ideas and give you some support.

Life after pprom
Days after your loss, ways on moving forward weather this be a new career, a plan for your next pregnancy.
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