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Funeral, laying to rest, or ordering your special urn

You will be ask if you would like a funeral for the baby, weather it be a funeral, or you wish for cremation, see below advice from others and ideas of what to do, to say goodbye   

Funeral or not

Funeral or not


Saying goodbye is a personal option, however if you chose to have a funeral you are entitled to, things to think off,


1. Baptize baby or have a blessing, you do not need to be religious to have this done, most hospitals will have a priest / vicar or both 


2. Weather to have a burial or cremation 


3. Will the hospital organized the funeral or would you like to arrange this yourself


4. Going to the Chapel of rest, saying a final goodbye


5. Dressing your baby, putting notes, poems, photos with baby before funeral or cremation


6. Who to invite, just you and your partner and family or extended family


7. Song choices 


8. Head stone, plague, or plant or tree 

Saying goodbye 


Saying your final goodbyes to your baby is the most precious time of all, there is no right or wrong way, go with your instincts and the rest will fall into place.



Experience of others have done 



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