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What to expect from the Hospital 

Information leaflet given you the  facts and information on what to do when your waters breaks, otherwise know as pprom, premature rupture of membranes 


If the hospital finds out you have rupture your membranes you will be offered a number of options dependant on your medical condition


You will be given two options


1. To carry on the pregnancy


2. To terminate your pregnancy


When you choose to carry on the pregnancy you will be expected to either stay in hospital, or go home, and come back twice a week to check bloods and signs of infections, when you get nearer to 24weeks gestation you will be offered steroids for your baby, and if you go into labour before this you be offered a drug to try and stop you from going into labour. 


If you are based in the UK and your baby is born before 24 weeks gestation in some hospitals will not help baby if born alive. 


Dependent in which hospital you go to, some will offer you a emergency stitch to help progress the pregnancy.


We advise if you choose to carry on your pregnancy to be on strict bed rest, avoid showers, soaps, and no lifting of any kind where possible. 


Important disclaimer note;

* We are not medical professionals, all advice is given from previus patient personal experience and shared personal experience's. Although we have been granted permission to have the Royal College of Obestretricians and Gynaecologists link to there leaflet in regards of what guidelines that UK hospitals need to follow to deal with your condition.

* Always discuss and report to your medical team for all medical worries, all pregnant women should seek advice from their midwifes and consultants. Be sure that you are content with your medical care package if concern seek 2nd advice from a alternative medical team to find a care package suitable for you.

* Ensure your notes have been updated with your symptons, and if in doubt ask.




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