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          What to expect from a stay in Special Care Baby Unit

The Special Care Baby Unit consists of ICU, High Dependancy, Special Care and Transitional care.  How sick your baby is will determine where they will be placed with the most sick being in ICU and the least sick in Special Care.  No matter where your baby is in this unit it is very important to keep down the risk of infection.  The first thing you should do upon entering the unit is wash your hands with antibacterial soap and then use the hand sanitizer provided.  You may also be asked to wear a gown, mask and gloves because even although you have washed your hands you can still bring in germs.  Also clean mobile phones/cameras etc with antibacterial wipes.  Mobile phones can have more germs than a toilet seat and you may be using it to take pictures of your little one.  Always make sure you wash your hands again before you touch your baby.


When you first visit your baby they will either be in an incubator or a heated cot which will help to keep your baby's temperature stable.  An incubator also helps to keep out noise and germs.  It can be scary seeing your child covered in tubes and wires attached to machines especially when you don't know what they are for.  Ask a doctor or nurse to explain what all the machines do and what the alarms mean.  Then you know if its something serious or not.


Don't be alarmed to see lots of people surrounding your baby.  A baby in the Special Care Baby Unit won't just have one doctor there is a while team (neonatologist, paediatrician, doctors, nurses and support staff).  They are all there to do the best for your baby.  Other staff in the unit include a Psychologist and a Chaplain who are available if you need to talk about how you are feeling.  It can be very helpful speaking to someone who's not emotionally involved.


Having a baby in The Special Care baby Unit can leave you feeling like you are missing out on precious bonding time but there are actually lots of opportunities to bond with your baby.  Ask if you are able to do your baby's cares (nappy change, clean face, moisten mouth if tube fed, move blood oxygen monitor and feed).  Ask when your baby can have a bath.  You can help with this.  Skin to skin contact can work wonders too.  If your baby is well enough to be held try and do this once a day.  If you can't hold your child remember you can always touch and talk to them.  Place one hand on the top of their head and the other around the legs/bottom or lightly over their stomach.  This can be very soothing for them.


Ask about the visiting policy.  Generally you will be able to visit whenever you want but there will be times where you may be asked to sit in the waiting room for a while for example during shift changes and doctors rounds.  If you want to be present during the doctors round ask if someone can come and fetch you when they reach your child.  For other visitors there will be set visiting hours normally with one visitor at a time accompanied by a parent.  Children are not allowed to visit unless they are a sibling.  Visitors are not allowed to touch your baby only parents and hospital staff can do so.


If you are breast feeding ask about the hospitals policy for storing milk.  You will need to know this for when you are going home and also if your baby is being tube fed.  Normally you can borrow a pump from the unit if needed.  If you are not able to produce enough milk some hospitals have donor breastmilk which can be given to them if you wish.  If not it can be topped up with formula.  If your baby is tube fed they will be given a dummy to help them learn how to suck.  Give this to them when you are feeding them to help them associate sucking with being fed.  Once they have learned how to suck breast/bottle feeds will be introduced normally alternating with tube feeds at first so they dont get too tired until they are strong enough to take all feeds by breast/bottle.


Going home and leaving your baby in hospital will be one of the hardest things you will ever have to do but try and remember you baby is in the best place with all their aunties (nurses) looking after them.  If there is anything wrong with your child the hospital will contact you straight away and you can call them at any time for an update.


As your little one starts to improve the machines and wires will start to disappear but remember when you go away and come back again something that had previously been removed could be back again.  Try not to let this dishearten you too much sometimes they are just not quite ready and need to rest a little longer.  Once a constant body temperature is accomplished your baby will be moved to an open cot.  Also as they improve they will work their way through each section until they are in Special care.


Once your little one has gained enough weight, is feeding properly and is strong enough to come home they will need to pass a car seat test where they are sat in a car seat for an hour with the montiors back on.  The nurses will pay close attention to the montiors making sure your child can sit in a car seat without and heart or breathing issues.  If your baby had 3 desats lasting 20 seconds or longer they will fail the test and need to sit it again.  Ask when this can be done again as not all hopitals are the same.


To help you prepare for bringing your baby home you will be offered to room in with your little one for a day or two in Transitional Care.  There you can handle all of your baby's needs with the medical staff on hand if you need them.  If you feel confident enough to take your baby straight home you can opt out of Transitional care and go home from Special care.


Before you go home a plan will be made for his/her care and follow up appointments.  If your baby still needs machines you will be shown how to use these and you may also be taught how to give your baby CPR.


Throughout all of this remember that you need to look after yourself and make sure you get enough rest.  You need to be strong to help your little one.


Important disclaimer note;

* We are not medical professionals, all advice is given from previus patient personal experience and shared personal experience's. Although we have been granted permission to have the Royal College of Obestretricians and Gynaecologists link to there leaflet in regards of what guidelines that UK hospitals need to follow to deal with your condition.

* Always discuss and report to your medical team for all medical worries, all pregnant women should seek advice from their midwifes and consultants. Be sure that you are content with your medical care package if concern seek 2nd advice from a alternative medical team to find a care package suitable for you.

* Ensure your notes have been updated with your symptons, and if in doubt ask.




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