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Grieving, ways and advice on how to live with the loss of your baby
Grieving there is no right or wrong answer to how you deal with your loss of your very much wanted baby.
Remember, everyone is different, and we deal with things in many ways, these are some ideas that may help you on your journey.
You will have some dark days, the days where you just want to close your eyes and wake up wanting time to turn back.
The day your life change is the day you lose your baby, the day when you naturally gave birth, then the heart ache of not only having to come to terms with my loss, but then to be told your baby was a miscarriage.
You remember very clearly statements made by staff, so very hurtful comments, like on the very same day you lost your baby 'why did noone send you in for a stitch.
The days to follow still feel surreal. You begin to become in zone that no one quite understands,
Things that have help others through there ongoing ordeal;
1. If you were under happy with your care, complain to the NHS, UK for your poor treatment, hospitals will not realise they are making mistakes if we do not let them know our feelings, to enable for change, put pen to paper and express yourself.
2. Facebook groups, you will meet and speak to amazing women, these are the ones that understand the most, you will not feel alone
3. Organise to meet others who have been through the same, Sands baby charity offer great support, and even meet the women you talk to online, always be cautious and let others know where you are.
4. Fundraise for a charity, this helps your self esteem and raises money for great causes, this can be for any charity you have a passion for, sponsor runs and walks is a great way, and it will introduce you to others.
5. Do not be afraid to exchange numbers with others who gave been through the same, always be cautious but also have faith there are honest and supportive people who want to help.
7. Went to counselling - it states miscarrige and abortion on there webpage but help women who lose babies
8. Do your research if you know any thing about your reasons for your loss, this helps to understand why. Look up, ring or email or both organisations such as Tommys & Miscarriage assiociation
10. Asked the hospital for a pre-pregnancy plan.
11. Book yourself a holiday or mini break away, change of scenery does wonder for your mind.
12. Write a good bye letter to your baby.
13. Write a diary of events from your experience, from the moment your waters went, or the moment you went into hospital.
15. Organise your baby funeral or goodbye day
16. Be gentle on yourself, and never blame yourself for the loss of your baby, life throws you challenges, and remember you survived for a reason.
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